Xara Plugin Curation

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Revision as of 14:11, 25 February 2021 by Cezarr1 (talk | contribs) (corrected embed, added mime types)
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Before You Start

This tutorial will assume you've read the standard Curation Tutorial, which is highly recommended to go through.

Recognizing Xara Plugin

  • Xara Plugin content files use the .web file extension. Site can also mention program called Xara Webster. It was used to create .web files, and this is why Xara Plugin has "W" as its logo.
  • Xara Plugin MIME types are application/vnd.xara and application/x-CorelXARA.
  • Developer has more products with Xara in name, like CorelXARA (graphical editor), Xara3D or Xara X. These are not related to the plugin.

Curation Steps

Follow the Curation Format to add metadata for your game and create its correct content folder. The Platform should be Xara Plugin and the Application Path should be FPSoftware\startXaraPlugin.bat.

Xara images can run without embedding in html or htm, but plugin always crashing when resolution is higher than 1600x1600. To prevent that, you should embed your image. If you don’t have original html/htm, you can use that:

<embed src=x.web" type="application/vnd.xara"
  width = x height = x>

Create new .txt file, post this code into that, change x to your values:

  • src=x.web = original name of Xara file
  • width = x height = x = resolution, can be any size smaller than 1600x1600, but maintains the aspect ratio of the original image

Save as .html.

Wrapping It Up

When you're finished testing, export the curation and name the .7z file with the name of the app, and submit it to the #other-game-curations channel of the Flashpoint Discord. Use the Xara_Plugin emoji when submitting.