Updating the Master List

From Flashpoint Datahub
Revision as of 12:56, 31 July 2022 by Nosamu (talk | contribs) (fixed script)
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This page describes how to use Flashpoint's database file to export and update the Game Master List and Animation Master List.

First, download the latest Flashpoint database file if you don't have it already.

Exporting CSV Files

Follow these steps to export the entire game/animation database as a CSV file:

  1. Download, install and open DB Browser for SQLite.
  2. Open the flashpoint.sqlite file (File -> Open Database...)
  3. Click File -> Export -> Table(s) to CSV file...
  4. Select the game table and leave all other options at their default values. Save the file.

Next, follow these steps to create separate game and animation CSV files:

  1. Download and run CSVFileView.
  2. Open the CSV file that you exported.
  3. In the Options menu, change the "Unicode/Ascii Default Open Mode" to UTF-8. Then change the "Unicode/Ascii Save Mode" to "Always UTF-8."
  4. In the Options menu, check "Add header line to CSV/Tab-Delimited File." Then check the "Allow MultiLine Fields" option.
  5. Click the Refresh button to reload the file.
  6. Click View -> Edit Display Filter. Check "Use the following display filter", then type one of the following:
    • library = 'arcade' for the Game Master List
    • library = 'theatre' for the Animation Master List
  7. Click View -> Choose Columns and check only these columns: id, title, series, developer, publisher, platform.
  8. Click File -> Save All Items. Save as the CSV file type.

Alternatively, use the following batch script to export the game and animation CSV files automatically:

@ECHO off
SET cols="id,title,series,developer,publisher,platform"
SET baseopts=/AsciiUnicodeMode 3 /AsciiUnicodeOpenMode 3 /AddExportHeaderLine 1 /AllowMultiLineFields 1 /UseLoadFilter 1

CSVFileView /Columns %cols% %baseopts% /LoadFilterStr "library = 'arcade'" /aload %1 /scomma arcade.csv
CSVFileView /Columns %cols% %baseopts% /LoadFilterStr "library = 'theatre'" /aload %1 /scomma theatre.csv

To run the script, place it in the same folder as CSVFileView, then run exportMasterLists.bat sourceCSVPath from the command line.