Flash Curation

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This page will go over some of the advanced techniques specific to Flash curation. It should explain:

  • Using the universal crossdomain.xml (and what a crossdomain.xml does)
  • Using the debug projector, checking if a game needs browser (ExternalInterface errors)
  • Using flashvars and embed codes
  • Finding the SWF version with JPEXS and using old Flash projector versions
  • Using Flash APIs such as the Miniclip Gameloader
  • Finding and adding SWZs

If you're able to help create this page, please get started!


Some Flash games may request a file called crossdomain.xml. This file permits access to domains other than the site the SWF is being hosted on. It will often look like the universal crossdomain.xml found in the Server/htdocs directory of Flashpoint:

  <allow-access-from domain="*" />

The universal crossdomain.xml allows a SWF to access any and all domains, but others found on specific websites may only permit access from certain websites, such as Sploder's crossdomain.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
	<allow-access-from domain="sploder.com" />
	<allow-access-from domain="*.sploder.com" />
	<allow-access-from domain="" />
	<allow-access-from domain="*" />

If a game requests a crossdomain.xml, but it's missing from the web, you can use the universal crossdomain.xml in its place.


Flashvars are additional variables added to an SWF's Launch Command in order to load the game properly. Flashvars are added to the Launch Command by putting a "?" after the directory of the .swf, followed by any variables in the style "name=value", separated with "&".

For example, the game Spyhounds: Crack This Code! has a Launch Command of http://www-tc.pbskids.org/fetch/spyhounds/poodlediamond/swf/code_breaker_3KB.swf?spyday=2. Note the ? after the .swf file extension, which means the SWF here calls for the flashvars of "spyday", set to "2". Changing this to another number such as "spyday=4" or "spyday=9" is necessary to make the SWF play the other versions of the game.

In addition, flashvars can be part of a game's embed code (see below for more info on embeds). For example, viewing the HTML source page of a Newgrounds game called D.O.E.S (https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/650656) reveals the following Javascript code, which many Newgrounds games have a similar version of;

{ swfobject.embedSWF("https://uploads.ungrounded.net/650000/650656_gridgame.swf?1419422088", "swfobject_embed", "720", "540", "9.0.0", null, {"NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID":1,"NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID":"5e057c3239505","NewgroundsAPI_SessionID":"","NewgroundsAPI_UserName":"<deleted>","NewgroundsAPI_UserID":0,"ng_username":"<deleted>"}

This code will generate the following Flash embed:

<object id="swfobject_embed" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="https://uploads.ungrounded.net/650000/650656_gridgame.swf?1419422088" style="visibility: visible;" width="720" height="540"><param name="wmode" value="direct"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"><param name="allowfullscreeninteractive" value="true"><param name="flashvars" value="NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID=1&NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID=5e057ff9668f3&NewgroundsAPI_SessionID=&NewgroundsAPI_UserName=&lt;deleted&gt;&NewgroundsAPI_UserID=0&ng_username=&lt;deleted&gt;"></object>

Note this section in particular:

<param name="flashvars" value="NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID=1&NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID=5e057ff9668f3&NewgroundsAPI_SessionID=&NewgroundsAPI_UserName=&lt;deleted&gt;&NewgroundsAPI_UserID=0&ng_username=&lt;deleted&gt;">

Even the Flashpoint Redirector can't get past this game's sitelock with the SWF alone, meaning these additional flashvars are required. Adding the flashvars in the format as explained above gives us the following Launch Command, which indeed makes the game work:


Fixing the Embed Code

Embedding a Flash game in an HTML can occasionally cause problems with the game that did not previously exist. If a 3D game you are curating suddenly stops working when embedded in an HTML, or strange visual glitches appear in the game, you likely need to fix your embed code. Fortunately, the fix is very simple.

When you are embedding a Flash game in an HTML file, you should nearly always use the direct wmode parameter. For example, let's say you noticed visual glitches in a game with the following embed code. Changing transparent to direct would fix the problem.

<embed src="someGame.swf" width="900" height="450" wmode="transparent"></embed>

Finally, if you are curating a 3D Flash game using an HTML embed, you should always use the direct wmode, because Stage3D (Flash's 3D engine) only works reliably in this mode. For example, if you had a 3D Flash game with this embed code:

<embed src="someGame.swf" width="800" height="600"></embed>

You would change it to something like this:

<embed src="someGame.swf" width="800" height="600" wmode="direct"></embed>