BitPlayer Curation

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Revision as of 11:45, 8 June 2021 by Childishbeat (talk | contribs) (The tutorial has been adapted from and is being moved from Technologies to Add to make things easier for the end-user.)
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This guide will show you how to curate BitPlayer (also known as BitMagic) using Flashpoint Core.

Before You Start

This tutorial will assume you've read the standard Curation Tutorial, which is highly recommended to go through.

Identifying BitPlayer Games or Animations

These were originally downloaded from the internet into its player as .bm files. You could also export them into a .exe file to share with others. The exe's are more common to find one the net or even on physical CDs of games.

We have already downloaded all the games and animations from the official BitMagic websites off of Wayback that could be saved.


Due to how BitPlayer was implemented into Flashpoint, you cannot play a curation from the Curate Tab so screenshots will have to be taken either using the BitMagic Player outside of Flashpoint or by adding the game to Core via the New Game button in the Games tab.

Bits can be games, animations, trivia, ads, etc. This was a little player for your desktop that would stream new content everyday.

Here are what your application path and an example LaunchCommand will look like. [insert picture]

ApplicationPath: FPSoftware\FlashpointSecurePlayer.exe LaunchCommand: bitmagic ""

Wrapping It Up

Follow the proper Curation Format, just like with any curation.

Pack everything into a single .7z or .zip file and submit it to the #other-game-curations channel of the Flashpoint Discord. Use the BitPlayer emoji when submitting.